That’s it, that’s all. Three weeks later and THE NUN’S VACATION is done. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t ready to walk away from it, I’m absolutely spent, but it’s definitely bittersweet.
My life as an actor has been spent bitching about either (A) not having work, or (B) being exhausted from work. Quickly, someone tell me to shut up!
I would like to thank all of the wonderful folks who helped bring this grassroots production to life. Firstly, the play’s producers and my co-stars Sandy Duarte and Stephen Chambers – I did not envy your workload, but you absolutely pulled it off. Our militant director Jack Grinhaus. Our stage manager Tanya Rintoul, who taught me the importance of Zip Zap Zop. Alyksandra Rowynne, who showed a profound passion for hemming pants. Johnny Nghiem, who knows how to build stuff, which I cannot. Dan Huziak, who took photos of us (see above). And the writer, Tom Walmsley, who, without his witty, dirty words, none of this could have been possible.
Thank you all.
Pardon me while I now complain loudly about not having any work.