
The Voice: Duels, Part Three

The Voice aired again on Tuesday night, but with all the American Idol shenanigans I didn’t have a chance to watch it until the weekend. Considering Idol didn’t really pan out how I’d hoped, I’m glad it’s over and that I’ll be able to focus more on The Voice from here on out.

This was the third duel round, so after one more episode we’ll move onto the last format. I’m curious to see what role the judges will take on there, and what will happen. As we’ve seen on American Idol, teenage girls vote a lot. Will their preferences overtake The Voice, or does this show hit a different demographic than Idol? We’ll see, I guess. For now, let’s talk about the third round of duels.

Christina’s Team
Racquel Castro vs. Julia Eason – Only Girl In The World
I have to say, I’ve liked Christina the best as a judge so far. I like the songs she chooses and the advice she gives to the singers on her team. This was a great, energetic, fun duet. I thought Racquel did a better job, but both girls sang their butts off.
Winner: Racquel Castro
I definitely thought Christina made the right decision there. Julia did well, but Racquel just really owned the performance.

Blake’s Team
Dia Frampton vs. Serabee – You Can’t Hurry Love
I was rooting for Dia from the start in this one, because I liked her original audition a lot and remembered her. And I thought she clearly won the duel – the look on Christina’s face when Serabee was doing a few runs really said it all.
Winner: Dia Frampton
This might be the first time so far that I’ve agreed with Blake’s choice! I’m g;ad Dia will be in the finals – she offers something a little different, and I’m excited to see what she’ll do.

Adam’s Team
Rebecca Loebe vs. Devon Barley – Creep
I wasn’t sure who to root for in this one. I remembered Rebecca but didn’t love her original audition, and I couldn’t remember Devon. I was surprised how well their voices went together on this song, though – I didn’t expect that. I would have been happy no matter who Adam picked.
Winner: Devon Barley
Cee-Lo was right, Devon definitely doesn’t look like his voice. That’s sort of what this show is about, so it’s cool to see him make it through.

Cee-Lo’s Team
Tori and Taylor Thompson vs. Kelsey Ray – Unwritten
This was probably my least favorite duel of the night, so it was interesting that it got the final pimp spot. Both Kelsey and the sisters were fine, but I didn’t really have a clear favorite.
Winner: Tori and Taylor Thompson
This was a fine decision, but I can’t see the sisters going too far in the competition. They might be the weak links of Cee-Lo’s chain. 

Did you catch The Voice this week? What did you think of the duels?


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