Things I’ve Noticed About London, the first 48 hrs


  1. There’s a lot of people
  2. It’s cloudy
  3. They talk funny
  4. If you let them, they’ll walk right through and/or over you on the sidewalk
  5. Everyone j-walks
  6. The cabs and public transit will run you the frig over if you’re in their way
  7. There are a lot of pubs
  8. Everyone Smokes
  9. It doesn’t seem to be a “health focused” city
  10. The gyms in the downtown core are TINY!!!!
  11. I’ve only seen one “health food store”
  12. Eggs aren’t refrigerated in the grocery store
  14. The bananas are really small
  15. All of the meat is organic, I love this!
  16. Most of the fruit and veggies are organic as well
  17. There’s a Starbucks on every corner, just like home
  18. There are amazing Sandwich shops everywhere. I like “Pret” and “Eat”
  19. The architecture and history is astonishing
  20. I have so much to learn about this city in a short time

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Man Charged in Assault

HRP release impaired driving statistics for August