
This Needs to Stop – Bananas in Pyjamas


So a conversation on Twitter sparked a YouTube search of the Bananas in Pyjamas theme song. Instead I found a full episode so I thought hey, why not. After singing the theme song (ps if you know the final lyrics to that song I’ve been trying to figure them out since 1996…) I noticed the episode was called “Garden Gnomes” so naturally I continued to watch.

I’m not going to lie I laughed more than I probably should of given the demo of this TV show but it’s cute and they are Bananas in outfits with cute little Australian accents.. so what’s not to like.

Anyway about 3/4 of the way through I stopped the video to continue watching X Factor but I was compelled to finish. Please watch the video and tell me what you think is missing?

OK if you didn’t figure it out. THERE IS NO MORAL TO THIS STORY!!! You can’t very well go around breaking people’s stuff, posing as faux Garden Gnomes, then go have snacks with your friends and never explain why on Earth you were dressed up AS A GARDEN GNOME! What’s next B1 and B2? Do you play hide and go seek AND THEN NEVER FIND YOUR FRIENDS?!

To think that the youth of today were raised on such craziness. Next I’m going to learn they weren’t even real bananas.

Tags: Australia, Bananas in Pyjamas


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