
Threads of Life – Silent Auction – Fundraiser at The Bay Landing – Nov 17th

We are hosting a silent auction at the Bay Landing on November 17th and all of the money raised will go to the Threads of Life charity. This event is in memory of Gerry and Gerald Balckburn who were killed at work on May 27, 2008. So far we have $4,300+ worth of donated items that will be auctioned off. Where: Bay Landing in Prospect When: Saturday, November 17th Silent Auction: 6pm to 9pm Live Band: 9:30 to 1am and its Shaker! Tickets are available at the door and are $10 each which includes a free draft. Our goal is to fundraise $15,000 in their memory. For the 5 year anniversary Corey and I are participating in a marathon in Italy.Threads of Life is a national charity that helps families effected by workplace loss or life-altering injury. It is a small charity that I am proud to be both a volunteer and a member. For more info on the charity or to view my story please visit: Please contact me if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help! Jen Bonin Phone: 444-0373 Email:  


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