In the days of emailing and texting, isn’t it nice to get a piece of old fashioned mail that’s not a utility or credit card bill. A thank-you note, birthday card or a lovely hand-written letter – they are all welcome sights in your mailbox, especially if they happen to be for your kids.
I was reminded of this recently, when my daughter brought home her “message box” from school. Each student has a box with their name on it and they are encouraged to write notes or draw pictures for one another during free-time or writing workshop. Her box was filled with the sweetest of notes from boys and girls alike. Some asking for her to have a play date, some telling her that she was a good friend and some adorable drawings of her. She told me about some of the notes she had written to her friends as well. Which I suspect were pretty special considering all the sweet notes and cards she always makes for us.
Then it hit me, why not have our own message boxes here at home? After all, I definitely owe her a few notes beyond the ones I sometimes sneak into her lunch box and I’m sure that my husband would appreciate a love note, over a “honey do list”.
So, our next bit of family time will be spent making our family message boxes. Why not, grab a few small boxes some craft supplies and give it a try with your family too?