
Time Well Spent: Earth Day!

Even though we shouldn’t need a reason to take care of the planet – April 22nd is Earth Day and we’re dedicated to the cause! 

Doing your part is not as hard as you might think and doing it together as a family is definitely Time Well Spent.

 Canada’s Earth Day campaign is called Act for the Planet  encouraging Canadian’s to make some changes to their daily routine that will make a difference. Even the smallest of actions – like using a reusable coffee cup vs. paper ones can have a significant impact on the health of our earth.  But if you’re up for an even bigger challenge – consider:


Drop the Meat: Plant-based diets are better for the environment and eating vegetarian has never been easier!  If you’re normally a meat and potatoes family, and not sure you can take the plunge – consider starting small with  “Meatless Mondays”.  With so many great recipes out there, our guess is you won’t even miss the meat!


New to You: If you love the thrill of buying and selling on kijiji , this challenge is for you. Get to know your local thrift store, visit or plan some weekend yard sales or organize swaps with your friends and family. Just try not buy anything new if it’s something you can buy/find used. Get on board for less junk and a lighter environmental footprint! Not to mention more money in your pockets. 

Cleaner Cleaning: Pretty straight forward and hopefully easy to do. Swap out the harsh stuff with envrio-friendly cleaning products or really go for it and make your own (with lemon and vinegar) for a cleaner home and planet!  Dryer sheets for example are often full of toxins and are unnecessary when you can use a spray bottle of water or dryer balls to get rid of your static for a lot less money.

Screen-less: Canadians, young and old, are spending more and more time in front of a screen – tvs, ipads, e-readers, gaming consoles…the list goes on. Consider reducing everyone’s screen time by implementing specific times of the day where all the screens are off and the family is enjoying so good quality time together.

Head to Toe: There are so many great options for do-it-yourself recipes for most all of your creams, facial cleansers, shampoos and more. Organic coconut oil is a perfect shave cream, Castor/olive oil is an amazing facial cleaners and baking soda is a great base for homemade toothpaste. Google these and lots more home remedies – your skin will thank you!


Believe it or not, you can save thousands of gallons of water and oil just by making simple changes to your household’s purchase decisions and activities. There are so many great tips and ideas on the earth day website to help you get started. Make the pledge and make Monday Apr. 22nd the start of your new plan to help you, your family and the earth!

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