
Tips For Hosting a Clothing Exchange Party

Fashion Friday

It’s that time of the week again; time to get your fabulous fashion fix before you head into the weekend. Every Friday Short Presents features a fashion and beauty related blog post, from inspirational outfit ideas to in-depth look at trends spotted directly on the runway. I read a lot of fashion blogs, and watch a lot of Fashion Television and I just write about when I like what I see. Today’s Fashion Friday post is Tips For Hosting a Clothing Exchange Party.

Tips For Hosting a Clothing Exchange Party
Clothing exchange parties can be a lot of fun, and a great way to rid yourself of clothing items you no longer need/want. I mean look at this mess, do you really need all of it? 

Chances are you don’t, you probably have plenty of items in your closet that you’ve never even worn and most likely still have the tags attached. These items probably could be very valuable to someone else, like a darling friend of yours, but it seems that it is their destiny to life in misery and crowdedness in your closet. 

If you haven’t worn it in the last 6 months, I’d re-assess; it’s likely that you’re probably not going be wearing it in the future either. Why not give your abandoned items a happy home with one of your girlfriends? And who knows you might even get something more usable back in return. If nothing else you can have a fun night with your girls, eating delicious foods, while talking the night away about clothes. Is there a better way to spend your Friday nights?


  • Purchase clothing racks(20$ from Ikea). This is great for setting a boutique vibe and showing of all the lovely merchandise. 
  • Ask each guest to bring 5-6 items to swap, and you do the same. Try to think of the friends you’ve invited when picking out the clothes to swap. What kind of items do they often wear, this is will help you in pitching your swap. You don’t want to be the one girl with all the stuff no one wants. 
  • Choose 3-4 friends to invite that have a similar style. Don’t worry to much about the size difference you would be surprised what miracles can happen with clothing. Also you could always trade items like shoes and purses. You don’t to invite too many friends because it will just get to crazy. Stick with a smaller number, so it is more manageable. 
  • Make sure you set out a system.Establish from the get-go how the exchange is going to work, so whether you draw names out of a hat, or you just go one-for-one until all the items are gone. You may run into an issue where two girls want the same item. This is where it gets fun, just get each girl to model it or give 5 reasons why they should own it. After either the fashion show, or the speeches the remainder of the guests can deliberate and decide who really deserves the item. 
  • Serve your guests appetizers and cocktails. This is a party after all, so make sure to treat this like any other get together, and makes sure to serve up delicious munchies, and cocktails. 

This is a great opportunity to spend time with your girls that isn’t going downtown to a club, or maxing out your credit card at the mall, so have fun, and clean out that closet already!!

Happy Friday




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