Aidan looking at the back of his I Spy book deciding on which one he wants to get next {“just not the spooky one mama, it wooks scare-wee”}, and waiting for me to get  in bed and read before nap time today.

today and everyday: i love all of this.

It’ll be I Spy {for the thousandth time} and a couple Franklin books:

today and everyday: i love all of this.

I loved sharing our bed with the kids {until the donkey kicks started} and I miss it a ‘lil bit. Aidan is my sleep buddy when Daddy’s working and it’s probably my favorite thing in the world to have him snuggle up with me for naps or bedtime. But especially naps like today when the windows are open and the breeze is flowing through the house.

Still waiting for me:

After naps we made smoothies and used the extra for homemade popsicles. {frozen strawberries, raspberries, a bit of water and teaspoon of honey pureed in the blender}

Baby Ethan pointing at his first smoothie popsicle with his little finger.

I love being a mom   🙂

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