
Upcoming events at Scott Manor House

The Scott Manor House in Bedford is open daily from July 1st to August 31st from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided tours are available. The Tea Room is open from 2-4 p.m.

The Scott Manor House holds events through the summer.

Here is what’s happening:

July 6-July 12-The Maritime Ship Modellers’ Guild with a variety of models featured.

July 13-July 19-Nova Scotia Knitters (displays).

July 20-July 26-The Town Clock Stitchers (Embroidery and Needlework Display).

July 27-August 9-Waterworks: Defining Bedford’s Location on the Basin.

Displays: Bob Chaulk’s exciting ‘dive finds’ dating from Halifax’s founding. Archival photo gallery. B.I.O’s (Bedford Institute of Oceanography) amazing 3-D Image of Halifax Harbour and the Basin.

Guest speakers will be giving talks beginning at 2:00 pm: July 28-Author and Diver Bob Chaulk’s diving adventures. July 29-A History of the Bedford Basin Yacht Club (Bruce MacCulloch).
July 30-Author and historian, Tony Edwards, “Tall Ships of Bedford Basin 1845-1950’s”.
August 5-Bob Miller (Retired B.I.O employee): Learn about the 3-D image of the Halifax Harbour and Bedford.
August 8-More of Bob Chaulk’s diving adventures and readings from his books.

August 9-The Playford Dancers. English country dancing from 2-3:30 p.m., with costumes of the Jane Austen period.

August 10-August 23-Sylvia Ireland Bedford Artist exhibition of new paintings.

August 10-Spirit Rising. Contemporary music styling’s of Bedford Group. 2 p.m.

August 13 and 20-Bedford Fiddlers. 2 p.m.

August 24-Display of dolls, doll houses and miniatures. Bring in dolls for identification.

August 31-Last open day for Scott Manor House and the Tea Room.

September 21-Graveyard Candlelight Walk. Visit the grave of Joseph Scott and others. Refreshments to follow at Scott Manor House. 7:30 p.m.

The Scott Manor House is located at 15 Fort Sackville Road.

Admission is always free.

It is wheelchair accessible.

Contact: 832-2336 or or visit their website at

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