
Urban cottage

Perfect for the Saturday afternoon meander, Urban Cottage Antiques and collectables (1819 Granville Street), is a favourite Halifax haunt for thrifters. What sets this eclectic antique shop apart is that it takes consignment and has a unique pricing strategy.

Make sure you check the price tag…you’ll see the price it is today….and if the piece doesn’t get snatched up, what the price will be the following week.

Since the price decreases each week, you have to decide if you want to buy it then, or take your chances and hope it’s still available later.
‘Urban Cottage’ is a little overwhelming when you initially pop in, but take a few deep breaths and you’ll start to become acclimatized to what some would refer to as ‘old junk’ and others would call ‘antique collectables.’
It’s not really an antique shop – more of a second-hand / vintage furniture and collectibles store, jam-packed with a strange mish-mash of vintage, crazy kitsch and hard-to-find everythings.

From large furniture pieces to figurines to…uh…well, any item that an interior designer would use in very small doses to add something interesting into the decor or stage a house.

Basically, I see it as an interior design shop for people who don’t want a single piece to be found anywhere else.

As you can imagine, stock changes quickly, so it’s worthy of more frequent repeat visits.


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