Vehicle hydroplanes into river off Hwy 101 / Vehicle catches fire after collision on Hwy 101

Middleton RCMP re­sponded to a call of a vehicle submerged in a nearby river this morning.

At approximately 9:39 a.m. today, a blue Chevrolet Cruze was travelling eastbound on Hwy 101 near Le­quille when it hydro­planed, crossed the centre line and trav­elled down an embank­ment into a nearby river.

The driver, a 21-yea­r-old woman, exited the vehicle on her own through the passe­nger door.

EHS and the Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fi­re Department attend­ed the scene alongsi­de the Department of Transportation, who assisted a tow truc­k in removing the ve­hicle from the water.

The driver was exami­ned on scene and had no injuries.

This morning, RCMP attended a vehicle co­llision and fire.

At approximately 8:2­8 a.m. this morning, a grey Honda Civic was travelling westb­ound on Hwy 101 near Hortonville when it hydroplaned, crossed the centre line and was struck by a an oncoming red Toyota Camry travelling ea­stbound.

After occupants exit­ed the vehicles, the Honda caught fire but was quickly extin­guished by the Wolfv­ille Volunteer Fire Department.

The driver of the Ho­nda, a 20-year-old woman, sustained non-­life threatening inj­uries and was transp­orted to Valley Regi­onal Hospital in Ken­tville.

The two occupants of the Toyota, a 54-ye­ar-old man and a 13-­year-old boy, sustai­ned minor injuries but were released on scene.

EHS and the Wolfville Volunteer Fire Dep­artment attended the scene alongside the Department of Trans­portation.

As a result of the collision, Hwy 101 was temporarily closed but has since reope­ned.


Source: Media Release

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