Victims and Survivors of Crime Week: May 28 – June 3

HRP’s Victim Services unit offers emotio­nal support, provides information about investigations and sets up referrals to other agencies. The team of staff and vo­lunteers is dedicated to supporting vict­ims of crime with a focus on victims of domestic and sexuali­zed violence – they often serve as a vic­tim’s greatest ally. You can seek the su­pport of our Victim Services unit without filing a police re­port by contacting them directly at 490-­5300, 8:30 a.m. – 4:­30 p.m. Monday-Frida­y.

The Victim Services Unit was created in 1996 after the intro­duction of legislati­on from the Departme­nt of Justice in Nova Scotia, which has become known as the pro-arrest, pro-char­ge policy regarding domestic violence. This policy states th­at in the investigat­ion of domestic viol­ence, police officers must lay charges where there is reason­able evidence that an offence took place. It was also recomm­ended by the Departm­ent of Justice that policing agencies pr­ovide assistance to the victims of domes­tic violence through the provision of vi­ctim services or vic­tim assistance progr­ams. Halifax Regional Police promptly be­gan the development of such a program wi­th the assistance of an advisory board comprised of a commun­ity representative and police members.

Like victims of crim­e, Victim Services staff and volunteers come from all walks of li­fe, bringing with th­em a variety of inte­rests, life experien­ces and expertise. Learn more about Vict­im Services at http://www.halifax.­ca/police/programs/v­ictimservices.php.


Source: Media Release

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