It’s nice to see that we Canadians are starting to keep up with our American friends in the product department. A while ago I received an email from Vitalicious asking me if I would be willing to try some samples for the blog and while I danced around in excitement, they realized that I was north of the border and were going to send me off to their Canadian folks. I had forgotten all about it until I received an email from their north of the border rep who told me all about the great Vitalicious products that are now available in Canada. Up until this point I had only ever seen the Deep Chocolate Vitamuffins, BlueBran and CranBran Vitamuffins and the Deep Chocolate Vitatops, all of which I have tried and liked.
I don’t usually buy them because they are definitely on the expensive side (around $6-7 for a package four) , but definitely not a bad cakey and chocolaty treat for only 100 calories.
I am not an advocate for “100 calorie packs” as a way for people to eat their daily calorie or points because typically they are void of nutrition, and in some cases, people will chose 2 POINTS of a cookie pack over adding their 2 POINTS worth of healthy oil for the day, but on the other hand, I am a fan of “portion control” and let’s be honest, a girl still needs her fix once in a while! lol
And upon inspection of the NI and the ingredients list, I was actually kind of impressed keeping in mind that the list was bound to be somewhat “long” regardless:
For what it’s worth, the flour is whole wheat and the sugar is organic! lol 😛
First up was a Fudgy Peanut Butter Chip Vitatop and it was the husband’s dessert.
They are kept frozen and I told him that they are better when you warm them up ooey and gooey in the microwave first, but since they were partially thawed in transit, he declined my suggestion.
I told him I had to try a “bite for the blog” 😀
He wasn’t a fan. I AM a fan. The reason he wasn’t a fan was because they are somewhat of a “healthified” lower calorie version of the “real thing,” they are a bit “dry” tasting and you probably aren’t expecting it because they look so “cakey.” This is why I find they are best consumed warm out of the microwave (and a schmear of PB2 on top!) It is a compromise I don’t mind because I think it’s a fair compromise. You can’t have it both ways unless you make a version for yourself fresh.
Normally I get my chocolate fix from 100 calories’ worth of dark chocolate after supper which I LOVE, but I certainly don’t mind substituting trying some of the Vitalicious products every other day or so at all! Bring it on I says!
Don’t worry I do have a husband who is more than willing to help me out in the taste testing. ;-) There were lots of chocolate variations in his honour:
AND underneath those vitatops there’s more! I never knew they also made brownies!
Don’t worry I TRIED ONE FOR YOU! 😀
Definitely passed the test in my books! Warmed in the microwave is key!
And I scored me some VitaBrownie Mix too! This will be a true test to see if they are more moist when baked at home.
And a new kind of Vitamuffin that I haven’t seen available in stores here yet, Velvety Chocolate (Sugar Free):
And there is definitely a selection of Vitatops o’ plenty, so they will be fun to review for you guys. I have a large variety of different chocolate flavours, so it will be interesting to see if the chocolate flavours are truly distinguishable from one another.
It was a fun week as far as receiving fun blog & twitter-related packages in the mail, so I will share those with you this week too 🙂