
Wanting/Needing (other than a winning lottery ticket)

L-A: Apparently no one won the $50 million lottery last weekend. Which is a good thing, seeing as  I was without a lottery ticket. We’ll remedy that for this week. And if/when I win, these are among some the first purchases that happen when I treat myself big time (along with building a wing of my closet dedicated to nautical striped shirts for all seasons and occasions. That’ll be magical).

These are the things I currently want/need in my life right now.

1. A dress with a giant octopus on it.

Wanting/Needing (other than a winning lottery ticket)

Why the hell not?


I have lately found myself wanting really crazy bright print dresses from Lilly Pulitzer these days. The more garish the print, the better. I think this is my brain’s way of telling me it’s not ready for winter. Too bad brain, put a sweater on and deal.

2. Paint large chunks of my life turquoise.

I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of a turquoise living room or kitchen right now.


Not that exact room (man, I wish my bedroom could fit a table and chairs in it) and definitely nothing zebra print, but kind of colour scheme. Convincing my husband that painting a room in a rented apartment turquoise is another story. But if I won millions of dollars, I could totally treat myself to a turquoise room in one of my many houses.

3. Closed toe glitter shoes

It’s the very essence of practicality. For a glitter shoe.

It’s all well and good to have a sling back, open toe glitter shoe by Kate Spade. But how is that practical in Halifax? It’s not. We get winter. Which is why the closed-toe glitter shoe is the practical winter glitter shoe.

4. Speaking of practicality…

I’m pretty much in love with these satchel-y bags. I think I’ve already mentioned this not too long ago. It’s still high on the want/need list.

I don’t know if this really falls under the “treat yo self” category, because it is so practical. It’s price tag of $445? Totes treating my self. In the meantime, I know there are more affordable options out there. But if/when I win, this want/need will happen.

Ally: Morning, y’all. As L-A mentioned, I’ve been down and out with another sinus infection. I know that’s why you come here. To read about my sinuses. All this to say that I might be adopting a limited profile on the blog this week as I try to manage the INSANE PAIN IN MY FACE.

A few things of note however.

Jean shorts with boots:

I had kind of forgotten how much I loved this look when first seen on Megan Fox in the Love the way you Lie video.

Ok, bad photo, but you’ll have to head to the video for the full look.


I was reminded of this look when watching Light’s new video, “Toes”.

I really wanted to turn the channel, but the magic bag on my face made mobility impossible. Instead I sat there, and I liked it. I realize I have betrayed L-A as “Lights” (shitty name btw) is managed by the man we must not speak of lest L-A’s head explodes.

Facing my seventh sinus infection in six months, and feeling every bit of my 33 years, I looked back thinking, “Heck, why didn’t I dress that bad ass when I was ‘Lights’ (have to use quote for that shitastic name) age?” Also convinced I would have enjoyed the arm tattoos. Although, I’d only do such a thing if you could have the tats automatically removed after the age of 40. Like, they just disappeared and you could go to your kids’ soccer games in peace.

I’m worried now that I might have missed my boots and jean shorts opportunity. Not only because I’m old as dirt, but because it’s wintertimes in Halifax. I did a little digging and I do see that there are some enjoyable tights and jean shorts and boots combos in existance.

I would leave the head piece at home. In general, I’m anti head piece.


Kate Moss is older than me, and she’s rocking the look. We’re basically the same person…so….maybe?


I’d prefer to wear them with my new Rockport boots…

Not sure it can be done. This might be a FPQT challenge for me. I’m in if you readers will support my humilation.



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