
Water Testing Continues at Bayswater Beach

Inspectors looking into high bacteria at Bayswater Beach in Lunenburg County are making progress but the beach will remain closed until water testing shows it is safe for swimming.

Department of Environment inspectors believe that natural conditions in a nearby pond are contributing to elevated bacteria counts.

Tidal action may also be playing a role in bringing bacteria from the pond to the beach through a shallow stream.

Inspectors have not found any obvious signs of human activity contributing to the high bacteria counts.

The bacteria of concern are not coming from fish. These bacteria only come from warm-blooded animals.

The Nova Scotia Lifeguard Service continues to take water samples for testing. Results will help the province learn more about the role of the pond and tidal action, and determine if it is safe for swimmers to return the beach.

Until bacteria counts return to safe levels, the beach remains closed.

Source: Release

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