
Weekend Wrap-up: Dec 15-16, 2012

Weekend Wrap-up: Dec 15-16, 2012

1. There are many opportunities to experience and join in the songs of Christmas this weekend. There's St. Matthew's four-octave Handbell Choir, Acabella, they have a special treat as they provide an afternoon of seasonal music at the Keshen Goodman Public Library on Sunday at 2:30pm. Or A King’s Christmas is back for its fifth year. Under the direction of Grammy-winning musician Paul Halley, the King’s College Chapel Choir will perform a beautiful blend of carols, from Gregorian chant to Arvo Pärt, including some traditional Nova Scotian tunes. Prize-winning short story writer Alexander MacLeod returns as narrator for a second year and will intersperse the music with seasonal readings by Atlantic Canadian writers. And there's a sing-along at Tantallon Public Library. Bring your family and friends and join with members of the St. Margaret’s Boys Honour Choir as they celebrate the holiday season with music at 2pm on Saturday. Also on Saturday at 7 p.m. , All Saints Church in Bedford is having a Christmas concert directed by Matthew Kallio, and performed by All Saints Anglican Church Choir. Lastly, there's a Bedford community carol sing at DeWolfe Park on Sunday at 6:30! 2. Who doesn't love Santa? Come and see Santa and have your childs picture taken and sent via email to you at the Treehouse Christmas Party! There will also be music, crafts, facepainting and cookie decorating. Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas! 3. Have you seen Elf yet? One of the most beloved Hollywood films of the past decade makes its musical Canadian debut at Neptune! Filled with holiday cheer, Elf – The Musical is the enchanting modern fairytale of Buddy, a young orphan who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. 4. The Young Naturalists Club is a fun, free nature club for kids about age 8 and up. On Saturday from 10:30am – 11:30am, come learn about the weird and wonderful creatures of the Gully Marine Protected Area. Join Maxine Westhead from Fisheries and Oceans Canada for a trip to the deep sea! The Gully Marine Protected Area is a huge underwater canyon that is protected from human activities, and you’ll find out what lives there – from whales living at the surface to this tiny but fierce-looking viper fish in the middle of the water column to amazingly coloured cold water corals living on the sea floor. 


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