
Well hello there, Mr. Beer Belly.

Well hello there, Mr. Beer Belly.

Source: fuzzirella on Flicr

So out of nowhere I have a pretty big belly.  I’ve still got a half decent chiseled chest and definition in my arms and shoulders, but because for most of December I didn’t workout much and because I started to eat and drink anything and everything I could get my hands on the week before Christmas and on to New Year’s Day, I now have this freaking monster of a belly that has appeared.

I knew I was going to put on a few pounds over Christmas because I figured “it was that time of year” and I’m not one who says, “don’t indulge over the holidays” but I think I may have gone a bit too far this year.  I’m up about 4 lbs, which would not be that big of a deal, but I’d say I lost some muscle mass at the same time which would probably put the total of fat I put on around 8 lbs to 10 lbs and it’s ALL around my abdomen.  This actually pisses me off…

I’m sharing this with you right now so you know that I’m not always on the ball and I’m not always eating perfectly or working out.  I also think it’s sometimes good for a rude awakening or to fall off the wagon a bit or to hit rock bottom, which is how I’m feeling right now.  But if you know me at all or read my blog at all, you also know that I always come back with a vengeance.

Since January 2, 2012 I’ve been doing the 30 Day No Excuses Burpee Challenge and killing my workouts on top of that.  I’m doing Insanity as my cardio and also hitting the gym and lifting weights.  I’ve done some kettlebell training, some TRX training and even gave ViPR a try and really liked it.  Volleyball started back up last night and football starts on Friday and my plan is to keep at it like this HARD until March 11, 2012, my 31st birthday.  By the time I turn 31, I want to be able to see my top 4 abs again because it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen them, and I miss them.

This morning I took my measurements around my arms, chest, stomach at my naval, hips and legs and I’m going to bust my ass until I see some results and then I’m going to bust it even more

So, what do you do when you hit rock bottom? Do you give up? Do you seek help? Do you start over? Do you get pissed off?

No matter what, all you need to know is that you’re not alone in this and please, share your stories, because I could use the support too!

Here’s to an AWESOME 2012.



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