
Wet Bags: Not Just For Cloth Diapers Any More

Have you ever wondered what’s in my diaper bag?

Ok. Truthfully, I don’t even use a diaper bag. Since I already throw out a pretty strong mother vibe, I try to maintain whatever semblance of put-together adultness that I possibly can. For me, that means carrying an overflowing women’s purse, with diapers and wipe cases spilling out the top. (Feel free to step up for a sponsorship, gorgeous diaper bag companies!)

Once all the garbage and receipts and wrappers have been removed from my bag, you will likely find:

  • no less than three baby toys
  • a few Hot Wheels
  • an old single packaged cookie that if ever opened would unleash the biggest crumb storm ever
  • a wallet that is so old the leather has fused onto my cards
  • a change pad
  • my ereader (as if I had time to read these days)
  • a DSLR camera, if I can possibly squeeze it in


If you’re a parent who cloth diapers, you know what a wet bag is. Wet bags make it possible for cloth diaper babies to leave the house without Mama worrying that her purse will come home covered in poop. They are portable barriers between dirty cloth diapers and the world, allowing parents to bring home dirty diapers without worrying about the smell or the mess.

Oh, but friends? Wet bags are all that and so much more!

Which is why I am officially putting wet bags on my 2012 Holiday Gift Guide!

I honestly believe all parents should have a wet bag or two in their purse diaper bag. Even if you never plan on carrying a dirty diaper further than the nearest garbage can, babies are messy! I am certain we have all needed a place to store a miniature piece of clothing drenched in body fluid. Heck, I have even shoved a vile disposable diaper into my purse while at someone’s house so that I wouldn’t leave their house smelling like the inside of a toddler’s Diaper Genie. How brilliant would it be to have a zippered, easy-clean bag to keep all those smells and goos away from everything else?

Since I don’t carry a dedicated diaper bag, I use my wet bag as one. When I get ready to leave the house, I put a couple clean diapers, a change of baby clothes, and a stack of wipes into the bag. All of this goes into my purse and makes me more organized than I am normally accustomed to in my two-child state. If the diaper I am changing is particularly messy, I’ll take the clean things out and put them nilly willy into my purse again. This same system works really well with disposable diapers too. It just keeps everything separate and easy to find in that big giant bag we women need to carry with us all the time.

Want to hear who else uses wet bags? Brace yourself. It is a little surprising:

Hot yoga-ers (is that a thing?). These people get mighty sweaty and find that wet bags are the perfect way to get sweaty yoga clothes home.

So, there you have it. My second addition to my 2012 Holiday Gift Guide. A wet bag: for parents with young children or your friendly neighbourhood gym rat. You can also make gift giving environmentally friendly by using the wet bag as gift wrap. Hides a gift inside and leaves the receiver with a useful bag!

Of course, I wouldn’t leave you empty handed. I asked my friends at Hipkiddo Cloth Diapers if they would provide a wet bag for my readers! Enter below using the Rafflecopter app. There will be a super simple easy comment entry. Don’t feel like you need to jump through any hoops. But if you want, there will be some extra ways to enter too.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mommy Miracles’ 2012 Holiday Gift Guide

For toddlers: W is for Wapiti! Alphabet rhyme book and music CD
For parents and/or workout gurus: Hipkiddo Wet Bag

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The small print: I use Hipkiddo cloth diapers on Gavin. They’re an awesome cloth diaper choice if you’re looking for green, affordable diaper options. Be sure to Like Hipkiddo on Facebook and follow on Twitter to hear about chances to save and win. Hipkiddo provided cloth diapers (and a wet bag) for the purposes of this blog series but all opinions are my own.


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