
What Are The Requirements For Becoming a Canadian Citizen?

For the last couple of years, Canada has become one of the most popular places for seeking opportunities. The people of Canada made the environment so that everyone can come to their country to find the path of success in every aspect. However, there are enormous ways of establishment in the sector of higher study, tourism, and work. So if you want to become a citizen of Canada then you will need to meet the requirements of becoming a citizen. In that case, you will need to take this Canadian citizenship practice test along with other requirements. This practice test and the guide will help you become a Canadian citizen. 

Requirements of Becoming Canadian Citizen

To become a Canadian citizen you have to fulfill the requirements. The immigration department of Canada declared 5 rules to ensure the candidate is capable.

Permanent Residence 

Canada has a system called PR card. The PR stands for Permanent Residence Card. So before applying for citizenship you should have a PR card. The Canadian government doesn’t give the card to anyone just asking for it. 

They carefully check the background of the PR card candidate. You will only get that card if they can’t find any fraud reasons for immigration, no unfulfilled conditions that are related to PR card status, and any removal order of your from the Canadian officials.

There are two types of PR cards by their validation. It is not necessary to apply with a valid PR card. You can apply for citizenship if your PR card is not valid. In another word, they use the PR card for some important information as they are giving you citizenship. 

Lived at least last 3 year

Every country in the world follows a common rule for giving citizenship to immigrants. They ask the candidate to stay for a specific time in their land. It helps the candidate to blend in with the culture and social life. 

By living a specific time in your targeted country, you build interaction with the community. The Canadian immigration authority checks every detail of your existence so that they can trust that you are not a terrorist or something. 

However, you have to live in Canada for at least 3 years in the last 5 years. In a nutshell, you will need to live in Canada a minimum of 1095 days in 5 years. In that period of time, only physical existence will count. So try to maintain your stay in Canada relatively consistent.

Pass the citizenship test

A citizenship test is a form of validation that ensures the capability and rights to become a citizen of Canada. The criteria of the citizenship test are that you have to be between the age of 18 to 54. Otherwise, you won’t be eligible for the test. 

However, the test contains questions about Canadians and Canada related. The question topics are basically history, economy, symbols, law, government, and geography. Those questions testify to your knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of the Canadian people and their culture. 

The test comes in two languages, one is English and the other is French. The duration of the citizenship test will be 30 minutes. All questions are formatted with MCQ and true or false formation. There will be 20 questions and the pass mark is 15. Most of the time the test is taken in writing but sometimes it will be oral.    

Language skill

Canada is a North American country. Their mother tongues are English and French. In Canada, their official language is English and France. So either you have proper knowledge of English or France. So before applying for citizenship you must have the capability of English or French language. 

However, in the application, you have to show that you can speak and listen properly in one of the official languages. Because they will test the language skill in the interview. If you can’t make any good impression during the interview, your application will be declined. 

In addition, you also need to meet the CLB (Canadian Language Benchmarks) level 4 or higher. The score ensures that you are capable of some important language-related tasks. 

Filed taxes

Taxes are one of the most important income sources for a country. People give taxes in return for good and reliable residence. Governments always are supportive of the taxpayers. So it is a great opportunity for the people who want to apply for citizenship. 

Tax-paying capability also declares your ability and income source. This system gives them the clarifications of your income sources. So they can rely on you to be profitable for their country. 

However, in the period of 5 years, you have to file taxes for 3 years. The tax return documents are important to prove you are a good taxpayer. So tax-paying status also helps you become a citizen of Canada. 

Bottom Line

The technological evaluation of Canada made it a country of hope. So people who wanted to do something in their life wanted to go to Canada to explore knowledge. And the above-explained article will help you understand the requirements that you have to meet before applying for citizenship. 

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