
What I Learned on my Christmas Vacation

Ally: It’s been a while. As L-A mentioned, my little guy started walking over the holidays which did indeed keep us running. In addition, business is booming (which is fantastic) and I came down with a head cold (not so fantastic). Basically, all of that combined with the dog eating my homework made for zero blog updates. Now that I am sweating out the wine fumes, I’m keen to jump back into things and share with you lovelies some interesting things that happened over the holidays.

1. We’re WINNERS

Oh, yes. That’s right. WE WON. Ok, we came in second and third, but still we medaled (do we get a medal?). FPQT was honoured in three Canadian Weblog Award categories. They are as follows:

Pop Culture and Entertainment: Third (I think we all know this is because of my crappy pop videos. Without Miley Cyrus, we would be nothing.)

Fashion and Style: Second

Group Blog: Third

Quite frankly, as pleased as I am about this news, I’m also beyond pissed that we won three awards and didn’t even get a chance to wear a dress. This calls for a box of wine with L-A in the suburbs where we drunkenly record our acceptance speeches…for second and third place.

2. Natalie Portman for the WTF moment of the holidays

You’re engaged and pregnant what now? Listen, I’m iffy on Nat. I call her that because I think she would hate it. She seems a little stuck-up, and I’ve never really been down with her “you couldn’t even get to first base” fashion sense. You know? Also, as Lainey indicates, this has more than a whiff of scandal brewing. All that to say I can’t wait to see her maternity gear. I call it gear because you can’t really call maternity wear “fashion”. It’s not. No matter how much Nicole Richie sells it.

3. I Actually Like LeAnn Rimes’ Airport Outfit. A lot. Way More than I Should. Oh My Gawd I Hate Myself.


It’s good. It’s really good. It’s not really airport comfortable, but she’s bringing it hard. Even though I heart country music, I can’t get on the LeAnn bandwagon. It’s not due to the whole “homewrecking” scandal either. I could truly care less about that. Anyway, I do adore the effort she put into this ensemble. She seems to be channeling Sienna. Golf claps. If you would like to know what L-A thinks of this outfit, I’m assuming the facial expression gracing the woman in the background would sum it up.


Did they butt in line at security? For a George Clooney, this I could understand, but Leann Rimes? That’s a negative.

4. This Profanity has been Brought to you by Jessica Simpson

I try not to swear too much on this site because my Dad reads it. Often,  I will use cute little acronyms to cleverly hide my swears (See #2, Natalie Portman).

Not this time.

This headband fucking sucks.


How do you leave the house like this? Especially when you know you are going to be photographed? I don’t even wear those ass accessories at home. And that’s saying something, because I’ve been wearing leggings as pants inside the comfort of my own home since December 24.

What can I say. She did bring this crap into the world.

5. The Crappiest of All Crappy Music (NSFW…because of the f-bombs, not because of the bad dancing)

I stared at the screen in wonder at the magic that Enrique has created. Never have I seen such bad music and pointless use of the f-word. Click here for the dirty version of “Tonight I’m Loving You”. Clean version is still hilarious due to Enrique’s attempts at acting.

And yes, I do have this on my iPod shuffle!

Aside: Is he still with Anna Kournikova? If yes, I would be concerned if I was her. It’s never good when your boyfriend is making bad porn in the form of pop music videos.

I think I should close on that note. I can’t really beat Enrique.

(Editors note: It appears L-A might be stuck in an airport somewhere. In reality, I think she’s still in Palm Springs trying to track down Lilo. For that, I am grateful. She’ll be back later this week.)

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