
What If A Bank Was Actually Listening to You?

What If A Bank Was Actually Listening to You?

Piggy bank © by RambergMediaImages

Ever feel like you are getting shafted by you local bank? Ever feel like it might just be better to have your money in your piggy bank? Sometimes I feel that way. When I have to pay fees each and every month just to keep an account open I cringe, and what about the fees every time you need to do an unique transaction.

When I was in high school I opened my first savings account. It wasn’t with a bank though it was with a credit union. My mom had just married my step father and well my new uncle managed a local credit union in Manitoba. I learned about being a shareholder in my banking expereince.For many years I had a credit union account because it made sense and I had a say. You see with credit unions every member has a say, something we do not have when we bank with the big banks. I attended many a shareholders meeting over the years and it was nice to know I could voice my opinion, that I had a say, and that they were actually listening to me.

My family has delt with the big banks, and credit unions over the years and sometimes I just don’t understand why the bigger banks have such outrageous fees, and policies, over the years sometimes they have confounded me, but I have never felt that way with my credit union account. My sister’s mortage is at a credit union, and so are others in my family, you see when it came time to get their mortage it made the best sense.

One of the things I like best about being at a credit union they actually really listen to the customer. They engage their shareholders and care about what we say after all we own the bank. So what would you say if you owned your bank? One credit union really wants to know the answer to that question right now. So what if you owned your bank? What do you want them to know and know this your comments will be read, and heard. So I want to know here what would you tell them? and I want you to actually tell them at My Own Bank.

So what would you do if you owned your own bank?

* This post is sponsored by My Own Bank but my opinions and thoughts on the matter are mine so I really want to know what you think.


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