A quicklist of what’s open and what’s closed on Thanksgiving Day Monday 2012. Know of anything that’s open that we’re missing? Let us know via Twitter, Facebook or news@haligonia.ca.
- Government offices, banks, and libraries
- No mail delivery
- All NSLC stores
- Most stores and grocery stores
- Most convenience stores such as Needs
- Shoppers Drug Mart locations
- Most restaurants and fast food locations (call ahead)
Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012 (Halifax, NS) – HRM would like to advise residents there will be no regular municipal solid waste collection services provided on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 8.
Collection of garbage, organics or recyclables normally scheduled for Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 8 will be provided the preceding Saturday, Oct. 6.
The Otter Lake Waste Processing and Disposal Facility, the two composting facilities and the HRM Recycling Plant at 20 Horseshoe Lake Drive will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 8 but will be open on Saturday, Oct. 6 with normal operating hours.
HRM’s residential Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Depot will be closed Saturday, Oct. 6 but will be open Saturday, Oct. 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, contact the HRM Call Centre at 490-4000 or visit us online at www.halifax.ca/recycle.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 (Halifax, NS) – Metro Transit customers are advised of the following service levels for Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 8, 2012:
Alderney Ferry: Holiday schedule
Conventional Bus & Access-A-Bus: Sunday/Holiday schedule
MetroX #320 Airport/Fall River & #400 Beaver Bank: Saturday/Sunday schedule
Woodside Ferry: No service
MetroLink, MetroX #330 Tantallon/Sheldrake Lake, and #401 Porters Lake & #402 Sambro: No service
For detailed bus and ferry holiday schedules please refer to the Riders’ Guide, call 490-4000, or visit www.halifax.ca/metrotransit.
Source: Release