What’s in a Windows vMarch14

I occasionally go around looking at store fronts to see what I can see this time I was up in the BLIP and Larry Uteck.

First the Dragon King is under renos but they took their sign down so I predict a new name and I am going to predict sushi.

IMG_0025 (Medium)

There is another space being renovate it in the same plaza that is going to be American chain Party City IMG_0026 (Medium)

Then there is this which will be extended this summer to make way for the BLIP expansion.

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That is why Marshall’s is renovating the old Value Village and Pennington space to make a store by this future busy road

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While over in Larry Uteck this space beside Eastlink is being reno’d inside not sure what it is but looks like it may be  more of a service

IMG_0033 (Medium)

Across the Rotary though beside Second Cup the BOOM Burger is being worked on IMG_0034 (Medium)

I noticed that another Goji has opened beside where Morris East is, oh good more froyo  IMG_0036 (Medium)


Hetty Green – the richest woman in America

Transition Co-ordinator for Springhill Appointed