
What’s your favorite character on TV?

The lovely people at Inside Pulse, a website that carries my blog posts, recently asked me to put together a list of my top ten favorite TV characters currently on the air. Why? Because of this awesome bracket contest going on over at the site. Go check it out and vote for your favorites!

Meanwhile, I thought I’d post the list I supplied.

  1. Don Draper, Mad Men
  2. Tami Taylor, Friday Night Lights
  3. Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation
  4. Dexter Morgan, Dexter
  5. Abed Nadir, Community
  6. Peggy Olsen, Mad Men
  7. Kurt Hummel, Glee
  8. Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory
  9. Tim Riggins, Friday Night Lights
  10. Greg House, House

I know Friday Night Lights isn’t technically on anymore, but the characters qualified since the show was on this year. Coming up with a list of ten characters made me realize how many great characters there are on TV right now – there were so many others I wanted to include but couldn’t, like Joan from Mad Men, Nicki from Bog Love, Coach Taylor, Barney Stinson, Chuck Bartowski and Miranda Bailey.One tough decision was whether to include House or not. I watched House for a long time, but eventually found the show repetitive and gave it up. (Though now that House and Cuddy are a thing, I’m occasionally tempted by commercials to return.) Still though, I think Dr. Gregory House is one of the best characters on TV.

So here’s my twofold question for you: Who would make your list? And are there any character on there from shows you don’t really watch?

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