
When driving, everything else is secondary

Nova Scotia RCMP is asking motorists to help protect all road users by prioritizing driving above everything else when they are behind the wheel.

No one can predict whether the car in front of them will stop suddenly or if a driver in a neighbouring lane will cut them off, but staying focused on the road can help motorists respond to challenges like these.​

“In an emergency, every second counts,” says Cst. Chad Morrison of the Nova Scotia RCMP. “The more time you have to respond to something unexpected, the better your odds at navigating the emergency.”

From unanswered text messages to noisy passengers, many factors may compete for a driver’s attention. To help with this, motorists may find it helpful to remove reminders of the distraction (by muting cellphone alerts, for example) or set boundaries around distractions (by discussing expectations for passengers around noise levels, for example).

In Nova Scotia, the fine for using a cellphone while operating a motor vehicle is $237.50. If convicted, four points are added to the driver’s license. The RCMP will continue to target distracted drivers through enforcement in an effort to keep Nova Scotians safe on roadways.

If you believe someone is driving in a way that is an immediate threat to public safety, please call 911 and include as much detail as possible, such as the location, direction of travel, vehicle description and license plate number.

You can’t control other people’s actions but you can give yourself the best shot at responding to emergencies by staying focused and alert. Please help protect all road users by prioritizing driving above everything else when behind the wheel.


Source : Media Release

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