
Wildlife Conservation Grants Announced

NOTE: A list of 2015 grant recipients and amounts follows at the end of this release.
Twenty Habitat Conservation Fund grants totalling $205,900 were announced today, July 6, to help conserve wildlife habitats and gather information about wildlife for government, hunters and conservationists.

The funding will help to promote sustainable hunting practices, provide mentoring and conservation education, and study the pressures affecting wildlife populations.

“I want to thank Nova Scotia’s hunters and trappers who know that, with the purchase of a wildlife habitat stamp, they are making a significant contribution to support wildlife and habitats,” said Natural Resources Minister Zach Churchill. “These Habitat Conservation Fund projects will help everyone better understand the importance of sustainably managing our wildlife.”

A five-dollar wildlife habitat stamp is required to hunt, trap or snare all wildlife species. All proceeds from the sale of the stamp go to the Habitat Conservation Fund. Requests for project funding are reviewed by a board of directors representing hunting, naturalist and academic associations.

“The Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters congratulates the Habitat Conservation Fund board of directors for their continued dedication, expertise and experience in selecting candidate projects for 2015,” said federation president, Ian Avery. “The projects selected offer a diverse approach to ensuring the goals of the Habitat Conservation Fund are met.”

More information is available at .

Source: Release

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