
Woman and Children First – suspenseful tales of shipwrecks

Women and Children First
by Gill Paul

“The Titanic was the most magnificent ship ever built, offering every possible luxury to her passengers — yet on the night on the 14th of April, 1912, she sank in the North Atlantic, leaving the lucky ones floating in wooden rowing boats, and the rest struggling for their lives in the icy water.

This novel follows the fortunes of Reg, a handsome young steward who works in the first-class dining room; Annie, a gifted Irishwoman who is travelling to America with her four children; Juliette, a titled English lady who is pregnant and unmarried; an American millionaire and his wife who are trapped in a poisoned marriage; and a mystery passenger who never shows her face in public. The sinking of the Titanic not only steals lives but blows apart the futures of those who survive. Coming to terms with the shocking events, survivors form new attachments, make decisions with tragic consequences, and watch all their old certainties crumble. How can life ever be the same again when you have heard 1,500 people dying in the water around you?” – publisher

The Lifeboat: a novel 
by Charlotte Rogan

“A young woman’s first-person story of survival against seemingly insurmountable odds reveals truths about human nature and, particularly, about herself. Married just four weeks earlier, Grace and Henry Winter cut short their visit to London in 1914 after Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated. Wealthy Henry is able to book their passage back to New York on the Empress Alexandra and then to wangle space on a lifeboat for Grace as the ship is sinking. Grace’s survival is never in question in the opening pages, she’s one of three women from her lifeboat being tried for murder but her story is no less harrowing for that, since she reveals more of herself throughout her ordeal. Early on, ship’s crewman Mr. Hardie is a hero on the boat, providing invaluable if harsh leadership, whether deeming that some must be sacrificed for the sake of all or strictly doling out limited rations. But things change as conditions worsen. This is an accomplished first novel, noteworthy for its moral complexity and the sheer power of its story.-” – Booklist

The Chain Locker
by Robert Chaulk

“Bob Chaulk’s dramatic story begins in 1931 when thirteen-year-old Jackie Gould is a stowaway on the steamer “Viking” bound for the sealing grounds of the North Atlantic. When the ship’s supply of blasting powder accidentally explodes, Jackie finds himself drifting on a piece of ice in the dark with an older sailer. The Chain Locker shows us how heroism, loyalty, and friendship play out in this amazing novel based on true stories about brave Newfoundland sealers.” – publisher


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