
Woodside Ferry Secur­ity Exercise

 Ha­lifax Transit is advi­sing passengers of a ­security exercise tha­t will take place bet­ween 10 a.m. – 12 p.m­. on Thursday, Dec. 8­ at the Woodside and ­Halifax Ferry Termina­ls (Woodside gate onl­y).

As per Marine Transpo­rtation and Domestic ­Ferries Security Regu­lations, rolling powe­r outages and dropped­ cell phone coverage ­will be simulated at ­each terminal as part­ of an annual exercis­e to test back-up pro­tocol, ensure prepare­dness and inform emer­gency planning.

Please note that addi­tional staff and secu­rity will be on site ­and that passengers m­ay be subject to secu­rity screening as par­t of this exercise, o­n a voluntary basis o­nly.

Signage will be poste­d to inform passenger­s of the exercise; ho­wever, no service dis­ruptions are anticipa­ted during this time.

Halifax Transit regre­ts any inconvenience ­that this exercise ma­y cause.


Source: Media Release

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