
Words to Live a Year By

So, here is a little secret insight into who I am. My blog title didn’t just come about all nilly willy. I was methodical about choosing it. I really wanted my blog to have a focus on motherhood while pointing to the Divine. I have never noticed God at work so much as I have through parenting my (His) precious little children. Somehow through the banal everyday activities, God moves.

From those very first posts until now, my purpose has evolved as I have found my voice. I cannot expect everyone to notice God through their daily parenting journey, but I know that we all see the little blessings and moments of beauty that are evident even in the most unassuming places.

Though I don’t always talk about my faith, it still hides underneath the plain words of my blog. It is there, and every once in a while, I show a little glimpse of it, just because it is who I am.

This is one of those times.

A trend I have noticed these past few years is to choose a word on the cusp of the new year. This word is meant to follow you through the coming days, challenging and encouraging and reminding you of what is really important throughout the year.

I have never done this.

However, upon reflection at the end of each year, I often notice a theme emerge.

If I had to give 2012 a word, it would be survival. It was a year of new experiences and new responsibilities and a new baby. It was overwhelming and incredible and overwhelming again. I reminded myself constantly that my only goal was to survive, and to make sure my family survived too. Not a lofty goal, but an important one.

2011 didn’t have a word. It had a verse. 2011 seemed impossibly hard at times. “Survival” would have been an apt word then too, although some days I wasn’t sure how we would survive. There was one verse however that stuck with me throughout the entire year. It was a Bible verse I was challenged to memorize early in the year so I wrote it out and stuck it above my computer desk. There is sat all year. And every once in a while as I was making my way through the year that was 2011, I would glance at it and be reminded that all the crap would eventually pass and become meaningless, so I needed to press on and fix my focus.

I press on to reach the end of the race
and receive the heavenly prize
for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Philippians 3:14

I don’t believe it is a coincidence that I happened to put that verse on my wall. I believe it was meant to be there, and to stay much longer than I had intended it to be up. I needed that verse.

This year, I want to set some words in motion at the beginning. I want to give myself a goal and a challenge and encouragement throughout the following unknown days. And I want more than a word. I want more than just my power pushing my family and I through the year.

I need stronger Words.

2013 needs Stronger Words.

Psalm 73:26

My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

Psalm 73:26

As I prayerfully searched for the right verse to shape my year, Psalm 73:26 stood out to me, and I realized it was the perfect response to my 2012 year. I survived 2012, but it was overwhelming. I felt weak more often than not. And so often, I felt brokenhearted.

I don’t simply want to survive 2013. I want to lean on the Power of a Strength that is more than my strength. I want Protection for my heart. I want to realize that this is all enough for me.

I want this for my family as well.

This verse will adorn our wall this year. It will hopefully pop up into my head more often than not. And it will shape my resolutions and my goals and my decisions and my finances and the way I treat those in my life.

2013 is about Heart Strength.

What word(s) are you setting out ahead of you as you enter this brand new year? Share in the comments or leave a link to a blog post in the linkup below.


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