
You Deserve a drink

At, we really love YouTube. Charlie Bit my Finger, My Drunk Kitchen, those crazy Honey Badgers, Rebecca Black,

Epic Mealtime. You name it, we’ve probably seen it, and probably loved it.

So, when someone passes along a video that we’re unfamiliar with, and it turns out to be abso-freaking-lutely hilarious, it’s pretty much better than birthdays, Christmas, and a 99%-off sale all rolled into one.  

If you’re not familiar with Mamrie Hart, then allow me to introduce you (figuratively of course, I don’t actually know her, but I would like to – Mamrie, if you’re reading this – I think you’re glorious and we could be great friends.) Anyway – moving on.

Mamrie has a Youtube series in which she mixes (very strong) cocktails and dedicates them to celebrities of her choice including Oprah, Cameron Diaz, and Snooki.  She also lays down some of the most entertaining puns you’ve ever heard. All the episodes are fantastic, but my current favorite has to be the Harry Potter episode. Prepare to be stupefied as she mixes up some butterbeer that will have you yearning for a trip to Hogsmeade (or perhaps just the liquor store).

So without any further ado, please enjoy Mamrie’s hysterical antics in ‘You Deserve a Drink’. I know I did.


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