Your presence is requested at Zuppa Theatre’s annual Sport & Social!
For only $10 you can take part in a collective flash-back to your favourite elementary school fairs AND support one of the most consistently innovative and talented theatre companies in Halifax.
Check out the games they have lined up:
- Duck-Of-War: 2 players blow through a straw, moving rubber ducks down of a long water tub and back to win.
- Chicken Toss: 2 players throw rubber chickens and try to get them to land in milk crates 30 feet away.
- Ping Pong: You know… Ping Pong!
- Billiard Bowling: 2 players try to knock down one colour of pins and not the other.
- Foosball: Based on the Brazilian games “totó”, “pebolim” and “fla-flu”.
And my personal favourite…
- Pie Eating Contest: Teams of 2 sign waiver forms and eat a pie, preferably as quickly as possible.
Look out, pie! You’ve met your match.
All of this fun is happening THIS Saturday at 8:00 PM in the gym at Armbrae Academy (1400 Oxford St., Halifax). Your $10 gets you 10 tickets for super-fun games but be sure to bring a bit of extra cash for more tickets and the cash bar.
Want to win tickets to this extraordinary event?
Zuppa has been kind enough to give me five tickets away to our blog readers and Twitter followers. Want to win? Simply comment here with your favourite old-school fair game OR tweet your favourite game with the hash-tag #eastcoastbychoice and a link back to this post.
Five random names will be drawn on Friday and your names will be added to our RSVP list at the door for FREE entry!
Good luck! And if you win, be warned: I’ll be sure to defeat you in at least ONE game on Saturday. Mwahahaha.
Lauren always aims for the head. Follow her on Twitter @laurenoostveen.