200 Million-Year-Old Tooth at Fundy Geological Museum, Parrsboro

People can see a 200 million-year-old tooth of a mammal-like reptile this weekend at Fundy Geological Museum in Parrsboro.This is a sneak peak of a new exhibit opening in June featuring the tooth that was discovered on the shores of the Bay of Fundy.

People can see a 200 million-year-old tooth of a mammal-like reptile this weekend at Fundy Geological Museum in Parrsboro.

This is a sneak peak of a new exhibit opening in June featuring the tooth that was discovered on the shores of the Bay of Fundy.

“The tiny tooth is from an animal called Oligokyphus, an ancient ancestor of mammals,” said Tim Fedak, museum director and curator. “It is the first time a fossil like this has been discovered in Nova Scotia, although similar finds have been made in Jurassic-aged rocks in Arizona, China and the United Kingdom.”

Summer hours at Fundy Geological Museum start this weekend. The museum will be open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

For more information, go to http://fundygeological.novascotia.ca/ .

Source: Release

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