Two Nova Scotians have won this year’s Licence of a Lifetime, giving them free life-long hunting and fishing licences. It is the 21st year the province and the Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters have joined together to offer the prize.
Deputy minister of Natural Resources Duff Montgomerie and the federation’s president Wilfred Woods randomly selected tickets Tuesday, Dec. 17, from Don Ferguson of MacKay Siding, Colchester Co., and Mike Drummond of Truro as this year’s winners.
“Margaree salmon, South Shore deer, waterfowl. Nova Scotia is known around the world for its high-quality hunting and fishing opportunities,” said Mr. Montgomerie. “Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Drummond can now enjoy many such opportunities for as long as they live.”
Each winner receives a free general fishing licence, small game hunting licence and either a deer hunting, bear hunting, bear snaring, or furharvester licence.
“Thanks to the province’s co-operation and support, we’re able to offer a lifetime of fishing and hunting excitement to two Nova Scotians. We wish both of today’s winners safe hunting and angling for many years to come,” said Mr. Woods.
The Licence of a Lifetime is a fundraiser for the federation with about $4,000 raised this year from ticket sales to support its education and advocacy programs. Hunters and anglers who purchased tickets had their names entered into the annual draw.
All holders of hunting and fishing licences in Nova Scotia must first have a wildlife resources card and appropriate training. Information about the card is available at .
Source: Release