
31 Days and 31 Ways to Save- Thinking Summer Savings

Even with all the rain that is going on this weekend here in Toronto I am thinking ahead about the summer. For our family summer is the time of spending. So how do we save when there are things like summer vacations to plan, extra childcare costs ie summer camp, and then there is that long list of simply fun activities you simply want to do. So how does one save in the midst of it all?

There are lots of ways to cut costs in the summer in the city:

1. Here in Toronto if you are a parent and under a certain income level you can sign up for the cites Welcome Program that allows you to send your child to Summer Camp for 2 weeks for free as well they can get lessons through the local community centers all year long.

2. Do check out the Parks and Recs programs in your city as they most often have the best pricing on summer camps and programs for kids.

3. Take advantage of the festivals in your city. Rachel and I love Luminato, Taste of the Danforth and Caribana here in Toronto and we get to all three.

4. Thinking vacation. Shop around for your best deals, look for codes and sales online before you head to your travel agent. Or How about staying in your own city and planning a Staycation?

5. Make use of public parks and beaches for frugal summer fun.

6. Check out your local library. I can guarantee you they will have a summer reading program plus more.

7. If you love a local amusement park. Think ahead and if possible get a season’s pass if you want to attend the attraction more then twice during the season. This year Rachel and I have passes to Wonderland thanks our friend Scott Stratten.

8. Budget your summer spending. Know ahead of time what you are willing to spend.

What are some of the ways that you save in the summer?


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