The More You Know

Have a conversation with me, and it won’t take you long to realize I’m a bit of health nut. If you’re an avid reader of Short Presents you know I’m always blabbing about this and that to try and keep you on track, but what about when you do everything right, and something is still off?

When trouble strikes what do you do? Call your doctor? Call 811? I mean I guess it depends on what kind of situation you find yourself in; for instance, maybe you’re trying to stretch out your old pajamas pants that shrunk in the dryer and you accidentally catapult yourself into your clothes hamper, and now your whole body hurts like you got hit by a truck (you know the usual Sunday afternoon).

Jokes aside, when “common” minor ailments hit, it can be a struggle to figure out how to best treat them.  Conditions like eczema, cold sores, and seasonal allergies can have a big impact on your day-to-day life, but they probably aren’t serious enough to see a doctor.   

A lot of times we end up hitting up “Dr. Google” for answers (which the internet can be a great resource for information), but a lot of times we ignore it and just hope it goes away, or we try an over-the-counter medication and again hope it goes away.

I don’t know about you blog reader, but when I stand in front of the rows and rows of overthecountermedications it can be a little overwhelming at best. There has been so many times that I sought out the assistance of a pharmacist (I mean they kind of knew me there for a bit in undergrad, and who has time to go wait in an office for 2 hours?). I’ve watched enough TV to know (I mean that’s how we all gain our random wisdom right?) that there’s a lot of crap in those “medications”, not to mention they can conflict with a lot of prescriptions as well, so I say you’re honestly just better off chatting it up with a professional. I mean it’s kinda what they are there for right?

Luckily here in Nova Scotia we’re really fortunate because pharmacists can actually assess your condition, and if appropriate, write you a prescription. I know I had NO IDEA that this was even possible, so in the interest of your time, and your health I knew I had to share these details with you. 

I know whenever I’ve had things going on, or even if I was just curious about specific vitamins I should take I always chatted with the Pharmacists. The group on Quinpool are seriously the BEST; they’ve always been so helpful and so kind 🙂 To make this even easier for you dearest blog reader below are some common health concerns and ways you can treat them :):)


For more information and for treatment advice to deal with minor ailments be sure speak with your local Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacists.

The more you know! Hope you found this helpful. Stay tuned next week for a delish smoothie bowl recipe! 

x Short Presents

*This post was sponsored by Shopper Drug Mart, but all opinions expressed are my own. Thank you for supporting my sponsors, and Short Presents. 

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