Monday Shoe Porn – Filler from Ally

AllyG: We will have our regular shoe porn back next Monday. I see from our comment section that reader Amy has sent some pics from her collection to our flickr account. Awesome! My apologies that we don’t have a collection to showcase today, it was a busy weekend and I’m super lazy this Sunday evening. How about some sweet filler to keep you in love with us? Some of my fave shoes courtesy of

I’m on a serious YSL shoes kick these days. Not that I own any, but one day when I manage to steal El Jeffe’s credit card from his wallet, a pair of these babies will be the first thing I purchase.

(Source for all photos from unless otherwise noted)

Fierce. And you know me, I never drop the fierce bomb.

Can I introduce you to these prettykins from Giuseppe Zanotti?

If these shoes had a theme song it would be this:

Also, I’m looking for a pair of nude shoes for Spring, so if anyone has any recos swing them this way. Perhaps they could look like this pair of Christian Louboutin Rolando nudes, but be a tad more afforable?


And because I feel guilty about this not being an official Shoe Porn Monday post, I offer you this as penance.

Cause we all need a good laugh on a Monday a.m.

L-A: Ally is totally picking up my slack right now. I’ve had a bit of a rough week – my cat died last week and I’ve been pretty broken up about it. He was twelve and I’ve had him since he was three weeks old, so I haven’t been feeling funny or clever enough to write anything. And just about everything I write is a complete downer. I should be back by Wednesday and I promise shoe porn will be back on Monday.  In the meantime, you should just watch that J.Lo video again. Excellent anthem for the people, Jenny from the Block. I’m throwin’ on my $600-$1000 shoes, I’m throwin’ on my $600-$1000 shoes.

Confession is Good for the Soul, Or Is It?

More polishes!