[shoe porn is on a brief hiatus while Ally continues on with the Dress Like Carrie Challenge. It’s like when tv gets put on hold while you wait for the World Series to finish already]
AllyG: First off, you people all suck. I have always said that Carrie looks adorable rather than crazy which is what I set out to prove with this challenge. Sigh. It seems my reader “friends” really want me to trot about town looking like I downed a few too many bourbons. FINE. I WILL DO IT. Before I proceed, I would like to note the following, I still love Carrie’s style. Adore it. It’s awesome. There are key differences at play here:
1. I do not live in New York City. I live in Bedford Suburbs Proper.
2. I am not a single, fabulous lady with no children. I am a married, fabulous mother to a six month old thus limiting my ability to leave the house in argyle thigh highs without attracting the attention of children’s services.
3. Carrie actually wears designer clothes, I am doing my best with Frenchy’s stand-ins and crap from Old Navy.
With that said, I have played it safe, and I am willing to step up the game. Which is what I did for you in today’s post. A disclaimer, this photo was actually taken yesterday. It’s much easier to play dress-up when my husband is home to keep an eye on napping BabyG while I head out for a futile errand. Today’s assignment: Take out the compost and fill up the car at the local gas station.
Today’s inspiration:
Let’s be serious here, it’s winter, I can’t wear my mini-shorts. It’s not just unfashionable, it’s sheer stupidity. However, I feel as though the same concept is in play. Little newsboy hat? Check! (Roots), Fabulous shoes? Check! (John David), Frumpy, tube-top dress? Check! (purchased in Mexico as a bathing suit cover-up), Hot pink leggings for the hell of it? Check! (American Apparel…of course). And because you all wanted more accessories I found a few necklaces I felt would go well with my outfit. I also heard many cries for “more black bra”, well, here’s my black sports bra. What? I was going for a run afterwards! No need for extra laundry people.
Note: Jeff would like me to ask readers whether they agree with his assessment that my necklace looks like “patio lanterns”. He actually sings this song whenever I put this necklace on.
L-A: I’m not seeing the patio lanterns. But thank you for that song. Love the cheesy CanCon. Next week: Northern Pikes! (I will find a way to fit ‘She Ain’t Pretty, She Just Looks that Way’ into a post). I am, however, seeing the crazy that I’ve been waiting for. Before we score the outfit, a rebuttal:
1. Fair enough. I don’t spend much time in the suburbs, but they are traditionally not known for being fashion forward.
2. I fear that Children’s Services doesn’t judge fashion or style. Sometimes they should because I have seen much worse than thigh highs on people trotting about town with their munchkins.
3. We’re not expecting labels. We just want crazy. And you have delivered.
Let’s score this outfit:
Crazy factor: +1
Inappropriate use of a black bra: +1
Sports bra: -1
Use of compost bin as an accessory (I totally believe that Carrie would use that as a purse. Minus the rotting veggies): +2
Seasonally inappropriate outfit:+1
Wearing inappropriate footwear to do household chores: +1
Total day four score: +6
Total overall score: +8
You see! The crazy wins you points! Of course, points don’t stop people from snickering at your outfit out in the suburbs. And they don’t stop me from being right: Carrie’s style is crazycakes in real life.
AllyG: Love the points! Yay! Also, we need to find a fun challenge for L-A. Perhaps asking her to leave the house sans pants as Gaga is a little too mean. What about wearing a Gaga headpiece? Thoughts, readers? What should we dare L-A to do?