

Embarrassed about your smile? Have you ever wondered about Invisalign? We’ve all seen people wearing them, browsed the little pamphlets in the waiting room at the dentist, but do these clear plastic trays actually work? With an overbite that begs for correcting, and some teeth that constantly recede I‘ve decided to try it out for myself. And of course I couldn’t make such a commitment without taking you dearest blog reader along for the ride. Today I’m sharing some information about Invisalign and what you can expect!


Recently I’ve partnered with Halifax dentist, Dr T Daniel Lawen, of Lawen Dentistry conveniently located on Spring Garden road in the professional building. And honestly I can’t say enough about this man. Not only is he informative (which is good because I ask a lot of questions) he’s also very kind and considerate. His friendly personality makes being at the dentist a breeze, and for someone who’s had a number of things go wrong with other dentists in the past being in Dr. Lawen’s chair with his lovely staff feels very safe: something I haven’t felt for a very long time. 

Why are you getting Invisalign? Your teeth are straight?
You’re right my teeth aren’t terrible, but they are also not great. Full disclosure I did have traditional braces in high school, but they never corrected my bite, and having put off getting my wisdom teeth out until the middle of university career it caused some crowding and shifting especially on the upper left side (see the tooth next to my front tooth in the photo above). 

The biggest issue with my teeth is that my mouth is actually child size, I’m not kidding my trays fit comfortably inside an adult tray. Needless to say there’s not really a lot of room to work with, and I’ve already had three teeth pulled not to mention all my wisdom teeth. So thanks to things like genetics I have a really small mouth, and jaw. There’s simply no room in the inn as they say, and it just sets off the entire alignment of my teeth. I get headaches, neck tension, my teeth grind together, and it’s just overall not a great experience.

What should I expect with Invisalign ? 
It’s different for everyone. Your dentist will have to customize your treatment plan for you depending on the level or correctness (and trays) needed. You’ll have an initial Invisalign consultation and your dentist will evaluate what you‘ll need. Staff will take X-rays, pictures and impressions of your teeth to create a digital 3D image (THIS IS SO COOL) and outline a treatment plan.The best part is that consultations are free, so they are completely risk free.
The most interesting bit is the virtual presentation of how the teeth will move with each stage of treatment. Let’s just say we didn’t have this technology when I was in high school, and it’s so neat to see what the end results could look like. To be able to see the potential (nothing is 100%) is absolutely amazing, and very motivating. Just ask Dr. Lawen my mind was blown when we went over this together. It was like he gave me a million dollars; there have been little things bugging me about my teeth for years, and knowing they could possibly be corrected was enough to sell me on committing to the trays. 

What is Invisalign ?   
While I’m sure you already know, but in case you don‘t. Invisalign uses a custom-made series of aligners that are created individually to suit your teeth correcting needs. The trays are made of a smooth, comfortable, and clear plastic that are worn over your teeth (think of it like a retainer but clear). Wearing the trays gradually and gently shifts your teeth into place based on the exact movements your dentist or Orthodontist plans out for you.

How long will I need to wear Invisalign
You should wear them ideally for 22 hours a day, and remove them only to brush and floss. And guess what? It’s now recommended that you can even eat with them in. Obliviously you don’t want to eat things like curry or drink red wine, as this could permanently stain the trays, but I was pretty pumped when they mentioned I could drink my tea and coffee. See the issue is people take them out when they eat, and don’t put them back in right away, so it’s just better to leave them in (when you can) so you’re not losing that time. Just be sure to brush your teeth and liners when you’re done (as much as you can obviously life happens and it gets tricky).
In terms of duration of treatment, I will need to wear the trays for about 1618 months, and will be changing trays every two weeks with check ups every 6 weeks. Yes I am in it for the long haul ladies and gents, but I know it‘s going to be so worth it.  

How will Invisalign impact my daily life?  
You will have the cleanest teeth of your life! Lol I’ve been brushing my teeth so much lately that I‘m so confident I’ll never have a cavity so long as I have invisalign. But seriously it’s not that bad. I was convinced I was going to have a lisp, as mine was pretty thick when I got a retainer, but NO LISP! Aside from having to brush your teeth after you eat (which we all should be doing ANYWAY) it’s really not a big deal especially if you’ve ever had traditional braces those things ripped my mouth to shreds not to mention those elastics? UGH it was like a prison inside my mouth. I can’t tell you how many times I snapped an elastic from laughing, and those little buggers hurt.


Will Invisalign hurt? 
There is some discomfort yes, but it only lasts for a short time when you change your trays. My tongue was a little sore from the edge of the tray with the first set, but I don’t even notice it now. People also report discomfort from the attachments, but if you you’ve ever had traditional braces you’re a champ and these are nothing in comparison. Also when you’re wearing the trays (which you should be most of the time) you don’t notice a difference. They do make it trickier to get the trays in and out, so you do need to be a bit more careful so you don’t snap the tray in two.

Why do you have to wear Invisalign for so long?
Your teeth have memory the little buggers are pretty happy with their first home, and aren’t overly excited about moving around, so you do need to keep them in place as much as possible (hence wearing them 22 hours a day).  Meaning you do need to wear them for the recommended time or else you’ll be right back to where you started. 

Is Invisalign expensive? 
You’d actually be surprised. Although Invisalign is a super trendy form of teeth straightening and is considered cosmetic, a portion of it could be covered under the dental section of your health plan.  Invisalign isn’t much more than traditional braces, but they are far more convenient (and less noticeable for us grown up) let me tell you. 

What is also great when you decide to opt for invisalign with Dr. Lawen, is that it also includes a free Phillips Zoom Whitening Kit ($175 value), and everything you see in the image below. So not only will your teeth be super straight when you‘re done with Invisalign they will also LOOK AH-MAZING. I’ve used the teeth whitening kit before, and I still get compliments on my teeth (read more here). Also believe it or not I don’t think I‘ve ever had an electric tooth brush ($65 value) and I AM OBSESSED with this thing after just a few uses! I mean you kind of have to be obsessed with your tooth brush when it comes to Invisalign, but it really does feel dentist clean, and I love the small round tip both for cleaning your teeth and your liners.

If you’ve been thinking about Invisalign hopefully you found today’s post helpful. I’ll be checking back in soon to let you know how things are going. If you have questions at all feel free to comment below or reach out to me on social media @shortpresents. I’m happy to answer what I can, and forward any other inquires to Dr. Lawen as well. If you’re local and interested in Invisalign do yourself a favor and book a consultation with Dr. Lawen or visit their website at www.ourdentist.ca

I’ll be also be using the hashtag #SPinvisalign on social media, so if you lose track here and there simply plug that in, and it should bring you back up to speed!


Short Presents

Photo of teeth c/o Fade to White Photography.
DISCLAIMER: In exchange for sharing the ins and outs of my treatment I will be receiving partially complimentary services.  I will be checking in periodically to give updates on my journey and progress.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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