Like many of you that are either broke, or trapped in a long term contract with your current phone, I bought an iPod touch just to get access to all those killer apps. But what I really wanted was an iPhone. And while Skype works, it still feels like it's only almost there. (As it should)
Enter the Apple Peel 520. In a nutshell, it's a case that fits over your iPod touch and turns it into a cellphone complete with a SIM card slot. Done and done. And while up until now it only existed in Japan, a US company has just announced they are bringing it to North America.
So many questions. Will Apple pressure US carriers to not support the device? (Is that even possible?) How well does it work? Can it be killed with an iOS update? Is the moon really made of cheese? At least one of these questions will be answered when the device makes it here later this year.