Guest stars galore! I love Chuck, and I loved this episode of Chuck, and I hope the guest stars on Chuck don’t start to feel too gimmicky. I’ve always liked guest stars on the show (can’t wait for the return of Nicole Richie!) but I have a feeling that a portion of the general Chuck-watching public might be complaining. So I’ll say this: Shut up. The Old Spice guy was hilarious.
The guest stars this week included Isaiah Mustafa (only after Googling him to find out his height did I learn that beyond being the Old Spice guy, he was a football player), supermodel Karolina Kurkova (does anyone else think she’s really not that pretty?) and The Hulk, Lou Ferrigno. There was also apparently a guy named Bronson Pinchot, but I have to admit I have no idea who that is.
This episode picked up right where the last one left off – Ellie’s pregnant, Chuck and Morgan are back at the new and improved Buy More, and everyone is a CIA spy again. On the personal front, Chuck was struggling with the idea that even though Sarah had moved in, she hadn’t really moved in. As in, she wouldn’t unpack her stuff. Any of it. We waited so long for Chuck and Sarah to get together, so I like what the writers are doing with them now – having them face obstacles as a couple, rather than face obstacles that are in their way of becoming a couple.
The mission this week was to recover an important technological something-or-other from a spy posing as a supermodel.Chuck and Sarah jetted off to Milan where Sarah fought the supermodel (on the runway!) and ended up on the cover of an Italian fashion magazine, bloody nose and all.
The action may have been in Milan this week, but the comedy was in Burbank. Ellie is only about 3 months pregnant and Awesome is already going above and beyond. He had some great scenes this week – especially when he came into the Buy More and realized it was eerily efficient. Morgan and Casey promised him that even though the Buy More was still a CIA/NSA cover, Chuck was no longer a spy. Then Morgan convinced General Beckman that they needed to make the Buy More a little sloppier if it was going to be a believable cover…
…which led to this hilarious development: Jeff and Lester are back, and Morgan is now the manager of the Buy More! I can’t wait to see what shenanigans will ensue.
Overall, I thought it was a great episode – I think I liked it better than last week’s premiere. We’ve got a lot to look forward to this season. Chuck finding his mom, Morgan running the Buy More, Casey spending more time with his daughter and Baby Awesome are all promising storylines. Plus, the string of guest actors playing “Greta” aren’t getting too much screen time, so their presence doesn’t overshadow the rest of the show. What did you think of “Chuck vs. The Suitcase”?
(Chuck, S04E02, Aired 09/27/10)