Hey girls, let’s call the boys over for a BBQ! You know, that sexy male models I was drooling over last episode? Yeah, I got his number! I’m sure my boyfriend back home wouldn’t mind if I invited them all over so we can flirt!
Apparently, that was practically the first thing Kacey said in the Top Model house. What resulted was the most awkward BBQ of all time – a bunch of guys sitting around looking disappointed that everyone had sweaters on, and a bunch of girls sitting around looking like they’d rather be watching TV. Or as Kayla said, it was like a “middle school dance all over again!” Fun!
Silver Bullet
After the most awkward boy-girl party ever, the girls headed off to the challenge for the week. Did anyone else wonder why Miss J was wearing the eyebrows that are supposed to go along with the glasses, fake nose and mustache? Anyone?
The girls all had to pose portraying different emotions while riding the “Silver Bullet” rolloercoaster. I love rollercoasters. I was shocked at how many girls were terrified to go on the ride – especially Chris – but some of them rocked the shoot. Liz won the challenge for rocking her catalog-style pose. I was happy – I think Liz has a fantastic look. She brought Chris and Kayla with her to do a photo shoot with Tyra Banks. After the shoot they had an awkward tea party and Tyra ate all the carrot cake. It was awkward, but not as awkward as…
…Lexie telling Kacey that everyone hates her. Why do ANTM girls always fight over whether people are fake or genuine? This does not happen in real life! Look, there are a lot of people I dislike. For a variety of reasons. Someone can be too needy, too snotty, too selfish, too bossy…but too fake? It’s time to retire “fake” as a way of describing a person you find two-faced or disingenuous. “Fake” should only be used to describe a person if that person is Heidi Pratt.
The Squid and the Whale
Can I just say, Matthew Rolston is PHENOMENAL? Seriously, how hands-on was he? It was great to watch, and the concept for the photo shoot was really cool. I loved it. Everyone looked soooo pretty. I would notice that kind of shot in a magazine. I loved Matthew Rolston’s critiques of all the models as well – can he be on ANTM every week?
My girl Liz rubbed everyone the wrong way with her complaints, though. And when Jay reprimanded her, she came back with more excuses. Not good – no one likes a whiny model.
Never too high or too big
Can someone do my hair like Tyra’s? I’m loving her look this season.Rolston’s photoshoot, as you would expect, produced some fantastic photos of the girls, and a couple duds.
Kacey: Want to try on Tyra Banks’s shoes? Wear ugly gold lamé ones to judging. The judges liked Kacey’s photos, but I thought her face looked weirdly rectangular. I normally love her cheekbones, but this shot emphasized her jaw too much.
Kayla: Kayla looked snotty in her photo, but in a good way. Like she belongs on Gossip Girl. Tyra is right, Kayla is very versatile.
Esther: Great photo of Esther! The best she’s delivered so far. I knew she had it in her – the girl has classic beauty, it just wasn’t coming across in her photos. Matthew Rolston was right, it was very Old Hollywood.
Ann: Ann has yet to deliver a sub-par photo. Seriously, that shot took my breath away. Stunning. WHY doesn’t she look like that in person?
Chris: I just don’t get Chris. I don’t think she’s striking in person, and I don’t think her photos stand out. I just find her very, very average.
Jane: Jane is pretty, and her photo was pretty. She could go far if she can manage to step it up and show some versatility.
Lexie: Yay Lexie! She finally delivered a good photo. I don’t want Lexie to win or anything, but for some reason I root for her.
Rhianna: I don’t think Rhianna delivered a great photo. Her smile wasn’t as natural as Lexie’s and her overall look wasn’t as memorable as Ann’s.
Kendal: Cane anyone say Naomi Campbell? Kendal delivered a great photo this week, but she still reminds me too much of past ANTM contestants.
Chelsey: Chelsey has big features, and I like girls with big features. I liked her photo because it was different and because it felt as though she was looking through the camera at you.
Liz: ALT said it right, Liz’s photo was “flat”. And worse, she didn’t learn her lesson at the photoshoot – she brought her whining and her excuses to the judging panel, and that’s a faux pas.
I knew Liz and Rhianna would be the bottom two. I was hoping Ann would get best photo again, but I thought it might go to Chris. I was wrong – Ann scored first pick for the third week in a row. With this kind of streak, do you think Ann is a shoe-in or will she struggle to keep the momentum going? She’s certainly set the bar high for the rest of the competition.
Next were Kacey, Esther, Chris, Kendal, Lexie, Kayla, Jane and Chelsey. Poor Chelsey didn’t do so well – she was told she looked like a drag queen and wiped off her red lipstick while the judges were deliberating.
So, Rhianna and Liz – who deserved to go? I agreed with the decision, I would have eliminated Rhianna as well. She just hasn’t been delivering good photos and hopefully Liz has learned her lesson now. But I’ll miss wacky Rhianna and her funky hats. Still, she never stood a chance against Ann. What did you think of this episode of ANTM? Did you love the Under the Sea photoshoot as much as I did?