Based on last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy, I’d say the show has officially moved on from the shooting.
I’m really happy with both last night’s episode and how this season has gone in general. The shooting that concluded the sixth season is no longer the overriding theme of each episode, but I feel as though each character has been changed permanently. They’re still themselves, yes, but older and wiser. Grey’s grew up, but not so much that we’ve lost the drama. Because there was plenty of drama.
This week the docs had to deal with visiting first year med students. At first I rolled my eyes at how young and naive these people were, but then I remembered – these people would be, like, anywhere from 22 to 25 years old, depending on what they did after their undergrads. They’ve probably only been in med school for a few months. And then I cut them some slack. Plus finding out that they all wrote evaluations of their experiences at the end was really funny.
Meredith was too distracted by her multiple negative pregnancy tests to pay much attention to her student. Sure, the girl asked some weird, probing questions about Meredith and her super-hot husband. But that was because Meredith was totally wrapped up in her own personal issues all day and the little brown-noser thought that meant personal conversations were the fast track to Mer’s good side. She was, of course, wildly wrong. But Meredith wasn’t being much of a teacher.
Cristina tried to be nice to her med student because Chief and Bailey kept not-so-subtly reminding her of the qualities required of a chief resident, but it was a case of too little too late. She barked at her student when he blabbed some bad news to a patient and let him see a body up close and he passed out. I don’t think he should have blamed that one on her, but he called her “heartless” in his review. She was nice to him later, but the Chief already had his hands on the harsh evaluation.
Things weren’t going so well for the other docs either. April was told she didn’t know how to delegate, and Avery kept shoving his student out of ORs – which was revealed to be a big mistake when the brainiac student noticed something that saved a patient’s life. In the end, Alex was the only one who got a good evaluation…because even though he was hitting on his super hot med student all day, he was also actually teaching her stuff. And then he slept with her.
I can’t believe it took seven years for someone to point out that Seattle Grace is teaming with inappropriate relationships. Sure, Mer and Der are married now, as are Owen and Cristina. But it’s still a little inappropriate. Then, of course, you have Alex sleeping with his student. Sloan sleeping with…everyone. And Teddy.
Teddy’s decision to marry a patient so he could have health insurance and, you know, not die really came back to bite her. The Chief was furious, and when he called Teddy (apparently the emergency contact for…OK I still just think of him as Scott Foley) to make a life-changing decision during surgery and she had no idea what to do. Would her husband be OK with having diabetes, or not? (My question was, what was the alternative to having diabetes? Death? Choose diabetes, whether you know the guy or not!)
Turns out Scott Foley doesn’t have any family in the area, or any friends at all, so he had no choice but to put Teddy as his emergency contact. As cheesy as it sounds for Teddy to fall in love with this guy after marrying him to save his life, I want it to happen. And I want Scott Foley to be on my TV every week.
Here’s two other things I want:
1. For Bailey’s relationship with Hot Nurse Eli to become the real deal
2. For said relationship to get more screen time
I like how flustered she gets about him, and I like how he can really go toe to toe with her in conversations. Bailey’s so hard to ruffle, and I like that she’s with someone who ruffles her. Plus, he’s pretty.
Here’s something weird. Last week, I thought “Hmm. I bet Callie is pregnant with Mark’s baby.” I can’t remember what led me to believe this and it’s bugging me so much that I think I’m going to have to go back and watch the episode to look for the clue. But I thought it and I didn’t mention it because a) If I was wrong I’d be annoyed because I hate being wrong and b) If I was right I’d be annoyed because I hate spoilers. So I kept my mouth shut until the beginning of this week’s episode, when Callie was looking all sad in the bathroom, and then I Tweeted it.
I wasn’t the only person with this prediction, so congratulations to the other Tweeps who shared my prophetic feelings. Now let’s dissect this situation.
Arizona spent the entire episode begging Callie to take her back (even going so far as to list all her unlikable attributes) and Callie spent the episode shutting her down. Finally, at the very end, Callie told her. She’s pregnant with Mark Sloan’s baby. Does Arizona still want a second chance?
There’s no doubt in my mind that Callie will keep this baby. And there’s no doubt in my mind that Sloan will be supportive. In fact, I feel like all that crap with his long lost daughter was really just a set up for this. The question is, how will it influence their relationships? First of all, I really hope Sloan and Callie don’t try to actually have a relationship. That would feel weird. I’m curious to see how Lexie will react. Will she and Sloan stay together? She didn’t seem to be super into the idea of playing stepmom the first time around. And what about Arizona? This would be a good chance for her to show Calllie that she’s not going to bail in a tough situation any more, but that’s an awful lot to take in. I want Arizona and Callie back together, but it might be too optimistic for me to hope they’ll just raise the baby together and live happily ever after.
On the side, Callie learned a lesson in forgiveness when she treated a man who’d been trampled by horses on the way to his own commitment ceremony. His groom-to-be had ordered a horse-drawn carriage and bagpipes (because his boyfriend is Scottish and really likes being Scottish) to take them to the courthouse, but the bagpipes spooked the horses and chaos/devastation ensued. He gave a really nice speech on the importance of human rights and gay marriage, and it was sweet that his partner forgave him, but the storyline felt slightly disjointed from the rest of the episode.
The other major medical storyline, about a girl who was born without cheekbones, felt a little more in line with the doc’s own drama. Arizona wanted to go ahead with a tried-and-true conservative surgery, but Alex and Sloan wanted to do a more experimental surgery that would allow the girl to lead a more active life. It highlighted Arizona’s weakness – she runs away from obstacles. Although the teen they were to be operated on was slightly too precocious for me, what with her speech about how if she got the conservative surgery she’d be more prone to depression and drug use. It sounded like she’d Googled some stats and written them down on cue cards.
What did you think of the episode? Do we have enough operatic storylines to get us through the rest of the season? Will Teddy fall for her patient husband? Will he die? Will Mer and Der conceive or adopt? Will Cristina be crowned chief resident, or will Alex dark horse his way into the position? And what about this baby – good twist, or bad?