Haligonia.ca is a proud sponsor of Nocturne 2009! We’ll be broadcasting live from downtown Halifax on Saturday October 17th! Check out our exclusive interviews with the artists on our home page, here.
If you haven’t heard about Nocturne yet, it’s an amazing concept for an art festival and it’s happening right here in Halifax. From The View on Canadian Art Blog:
"Designed and initiated by volunteers within the community, Nocturne will be a signature arts event for Halifax that is easily accessible, free of charge and completely unique to the city. Attendees – tourists and residents alike – will have the opportunity to visit a number of the city’s art organizations, including both public and private art galleries, and experience art in many of Halifax’s public spaces."
The show is being produced by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, and includes artwork on Metro Transit buses as well. For more information, check out their website at www.nocturnehalifax.ca. Nice to see things like this happening in our city.