Cougar Town: Cry Me A River

Are you kidding me, ABC? I finally get into Cougar Town, I get to watch two episodes when they actually air, and then it goes on hiatus? I never even got to see it on the same night as a new episode of Modern Family! That was, like, half the reason I started watching the show! So I could watch two funny shows on Wednesday nights. And don’t think you’re going to trick me into watching Matthew Perry’s new show, either. I was left out in the cold once already with Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip and I won’t let it happen again.

OK. Rant over. I find it hard to write real recaps or reviews of episodes of Cougar Town, so instead I bring you the five things I loved about last night’s episode:

  1. Ellie demanding that all the neighbors take down their Christmas decorations as it has been seven weeks since Christmas. I am both entirely on her side, and shocked that she allowed them as much as six weeks. Three weeks post-Christmas is more than enough. 
  2. I love how the writers manage to make Jules seem entirely crazy, yet totally lovable. She was only forcing Grayson to cry because she loves him so much. (And good for him, squeezing a few tears out of those tiny eyes!)
  3. Andy and Bobby’s date – the gay hillbilly version of The Bachelor
  4. The way Jules waited outside Travis’s bedroom door waiting for the perfect time to make an entrance, thus making an incredibly hilarious/humiliating scene even more hilarious and humiliating. 
  5. Bobby pretending to dump Laurie so that she could get a free meal. Why have I not tried that before???

What did you think of the episode? Doesn’t Cougar Town totally know how to rock the holiday episode? And are you as outraged as I am over this hiatus? I guess we’ll all just have to pass the time by refilling our wine vases, playing a few rounds of Penny Caaaaaan! and intimidating our neighbors. 

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