CREATE Volunteers Needed
Atlantic Memorial Terence Bay Elementary School is looking for parent volunteers for CREATE 2011.
Notices will be going home within the month asking if you are able to volunteer, for “Our Coastal Community”.
The dates are Friday, April 29th, Friday, May 6th, Thursday, May 12th and Friday May 20th.
The workshops will only be in the morning. If you are able to volunteer for any or all of the CREATE workshops it would be greatly appreciated!
Coastal Photos Request
Several workshops are looking for photographs of our coastal community. If you have photos of this beautiful area that you are willing to donate or loan please send them in an envelope to Ms. MacLeod or email to
It would be helpful if you could label the location just in case we do not recognize it. If you wish to have your photos returned please indicate so on the envelope or the photos. The sooner they arrive the easier it will be for us to plan. Thank you!