Last time I rode a bike, the back tire blew while I was on the waterfront in 1999. I walked the bike home and gave it away soon after. No, it wasn’t because of the flat tire, really. It was because of my fear of riding a bike on our streets. Non- contiguous bike lanes, sewer grills that were bike unfriendly and the damn hills.
Flash forward to 2010. I kept thinking I should get a bike for the summer. Looked at them at stores and realized that bikes were cheap. I didn’t want to buy one that would fall apart after a few months of use nor did I have the cash to buy the kind I really wanted from the Bike Gallery. What to do…?
Decided to check out my RBC Rewards points and found out I had enough for a female mountain bike and ordered it immediately. This sounds hokey… but as I drove around the downtown, I was envious of those pedaling next to me in my Honda. I wanted the freedom they had! The website said it would take 4 to 6 weeks. 4 to 6 WEEKS! I thought, I’ll never get my bike before the poor weather sets in.
I was absoulutely surprised when the bike arrived at 10:30 TODAY! I was so excited! It was like Christmas!! I opened the box to find that my new bike was in 4 pieces… OMG I’m going to have to assemble this thing?!?! After reading the instructions and gathering all the tools I needed, the adventure began!
An hour later I was loading the assembled bike into the car to go fill the tires with air. Back home, I donned my helmet and took off like a rocket (more like a fawlty scud missle) Few minutes of zipping around and all went well. Decided to ride over to CBC for an interview. My first bike adventure!
Since it is a mountain bike, I thought I’d try a little off road drive. Across the Garrison Grounds to my destination ! it was a little bumpy, but I made it to the interview just in time!
On the way home I tried another route and even drove on the street! I have a meeting at 6:30 re: the skating oval for the Canada Games and will be cruising over to it on my bike too! I will be posting more blogs on my bike adventures and the things I think we need to change to make biking better for the citizens of Halifax!