wordless wednesday: post halloween pumpkin “smash”

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

I’m pretty sure all the moms picking up their little ones from preschool thought I was mom of the year when I joyfully said to Aidan, “yay! you had a good morning?! let’s go home and smash our pumpkins!!!

He then screamed, “mama  I CAN’T WAIT to go home and smash a pumpkin wif a HAMMER!!!!!!


Oh well, the boys had fun.

And just to keep things safe, I decided against the hammer – what if it bounced back and hit him in the eye or something? A little handsaw, pliers, a screwdriver and scissors were better options.


wordless wednesday: post halloween pumpkin “smash”


wordless wednesday: post halloween pumpkin “smash”

wordless wednesday: post halloween pumpkin “smash”

What do you do with your pumpkins when they start to shrivel up? This is a pretty cute idea and we still have 3 left!

Related posts:

  1. {no} wordless wednesday
  2. wordless wednesday: two thousand ten
  3. diy eco-friendly halloween crafts
  4. wordless wednesday: our first date

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/naturalMommie/~3/sP5Tl_jKxic/

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