This week I got to have a phone call with one of my favorite money people, Gail Vazoxlade.
It was Tuesday and I had just visited Gail’s blog which is a norm for me and discovered she had just launched the Gail way which she said came because of a conversation with a girlfriend. Gail’s way came about because her friend tracked what she spent but didn’t understand what to do next. She wasn’t sure about the next step. The Gail way gives you the paperwork and steps to get you tracking and budgeting step by step.
As we talked more about It’s Your Money we talked about women and our mindsets and how we got this way. Gail said ” You as a woman are going to watch your life change and you need to adjust your plan when it does”. We are in constant flux as we live our lives and we need to be ready for it.
In Gail’s newest book she first examines our mindset and explores how we got thinking like we do . First she looks at your money personality..and has suggestions to help you with each.
In the middle of the book she goes over the financial foundation that each of us should have.
Then she closes the book with what I think is the best advice what to do in case of the just in case section. For me I know just in case well. I have lived just in case but wasn’t prepared, hopefully by reading the book you will be prepared just in case.
Now Gail was gracious enough to let me give away 2 books on my blog, and not just any old books but these two are signed by her. The inscription can be made out to you or who you choose, nice, eh.
So to win Gail’s newest book I am using Rafflecopter once again, and please leave a comment telling me one of the biggest money lessons you have learned.
a Rafflecopter giveaway