Winter Haiku

Eeuwigheid (Eternity)
It’s raining today
It will rain tomorrow too.
Without end, Amen.

Teleurstelling (Disappointment)
Sometimes when I dream
It’s of hot Tobago suns.
But I wake up cold.

Leugenaar (Liar)
If I turn my back
The wind doesn’t hurt so much.
I’m lying.  It does.

Terug (Return)
Winter’s not so bad.
It’s Solstice time after all.
Summer will return!

Voor (For)
And winter’s nice for
For… for… for… for… for…for… for…
Winter’s nice for… for…

Verrassing (Surprise)
Yes.  Winter is here.
When yesterday was summer.
How did that happen?

Smakelijke ironie (Tasty irony)
Christmas is coming
And the goose is getting fat.
He should try Atkins.

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